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Kristín Karólína Helgadóttir (b. 1988) 

Reykavík, Iceland



2017-2021    Koninklijke Academie van Schone Kunsten (KASK) Gent, Master

2016-2017    The Universität der Künste Berlin, Bildende Kunst, (UDK)  


2015-2016    Iceland Academia of the Art

2012-2015    The University of Iceland, Philosophy


2021 KASK Legacies, Legaat De Leu 2 , KASK



2020 Arteventura, Aracena, Spain.


2024  Ómælislaug / Infinity Pool, Kling & bang gallery, Reykavík

2024  D-vítamín, Reykjavík Art Museum Hafnarhús, Reykavík

2023  Margt smátt, Harbinger, Reykjavík

2023   Snertipunktur, Mokka, Reykjavík

2022   Rúllandi Snjóbolti 15, Ars Longa, Djúpivogur

2022   Suttungur, Salurinn, Reykjavík

2022   The bikeshed will be red, Factor 44, Antwerpen

2021    30x30, Port, Reykjavík

2021    Vinsamlegast bíðið/ Please Wait, MUTT Gallery, Reykjavík

2020     Tíðarandi - samtímaverk úr einkasafni Skúla Gunnlaugssonar, Listasafn Árnesinga

2020     ZERO YEARS, Zomerfabriek, Antwerpen

2020     20x20, Port, Reykjavík

2019      Af stað! // Go! Nordic House, Reykjavík

2019      Just a 2 of us, Harbinger, Reykjavík

2019      Gelukkelige Samentijd, Billytown the kitchen, Den Haag

2018      Dixi Night, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam

2018      Soft? Tactile Dialogues /MoMu Antwerp

2018      Bob’s your uncle, Showhouse JayJay, Antwerpen

2018      Eurodoggy, The Vitrine, Gent

2018      Weekend met ABC, de Studio, Antwerpen Art weekend

2018      After Sun, at7,  Amsterdam

2017     ABC lounge Klub, ABC Klubhuis, Antwerpen,

2017      Café Aleppo, RÝMD, Reykjavík

2017      Fountain of Truth,  Hier Space, Berlin

Online presentation

2020        They went to hell & came back , YouTube EXPO #3: Cyber's Handshake,

                Work on Display - the Quarantine way,

2020      "2 of us”, Goatcast Scapegoat,               

2020, Cosmos Carl-Platform Parasite,

2019       Anomia, Kling & Bang, Reykjavík,  2019


2021  Book cover artwork:

2021  Huggunarrímur vorra tíma, Print & Friends: 

2021 Metropolish M, Eindexamens

2021 Miry, Seasonal brochure of the academic year 2021-2022,

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